June 26th 2016

3:30 am in Phoenix

Take me there

A place where no pain exists

Where no heartbreak can happen

Where no feelings of emptiness can come creep up on me

I lay up and ponder

Why am I not good enough

Why was the love not strong enough


You sucked me in, and made me believe we shared something special. Something no one else could have. Our attraction was so magnetic that we couldn't be without each other

Was it funny to lie?

Was it amusing to hurt me?

I tell myself I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.

It feels good for a minute..

Deep inside I still feel empty

I still long for you

Trying to break the magnetic force

Trying to get you off my mind

I lay up and ponder

Take me there

A place where no pain exists

So I can no longer feel the emptiness creep upon me at 3:30 am

to forget we ever happened

to not think of you every single day

Take me there


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