Two weeks ago I met a 19 year old girl that lost both of her parents at a young age. She was in an abusive relationship shortly after, but felt trapped because her boyfriend’s parents adopted her. She started using drugs to numb the pain which triggered her epilepsy and had a high level seizure one night after taking Xanax. It was a wake up call large enough to give her the courage to leave her addict boyfriend and get her life back together. She still battles with having the urge to do drugs everyday, but is now slowly finding her way to self love and victory.We sat in a kitchen together at a small get together and discussed all of the life events that attempted to bring her down. We sat there for hours smoking and making sense out of the challenges life can bring you. I fell asleep on the couch after one too many spliffs, and never got a chance to say goodbye. Timing is everything and I’ll always love God for being so great at this because I ran into her last night at a party two weeks later. She walked straight up to me and wanted to let me know I was a great person and our conversation helped her get through a lot of her issues and she appreciated me for understanding, and not judging her. She told me to keep writing and continue shedding light in people’s lives. I felt so much genuine love and appreciation in that moment. A casual conversation turned into a life turning point for her that she needed to hear in that very moment to continue to grow in the right direction. This 19 year old girl had no idea that her telling me I helped her also helped me as well. Hearing that I planted a seed for that young girl is the reason I get up and write everyday. If I can spread a positive look on life for somebody I truly feel like I’ve done my job. There’s nothing more beautiful than helping someone grow. Spread love, keep the truth alive, and most importantly be the change you want to see in the world.
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