Gypsy Chronicles: Salma
I stared in the mirror in disbelief as I combed through my perfectly sleek black long hair that was evenly parted right down the middle. Two days passed and I haven't received a call or any word that she was okay. No matter what I did I couldn't help but wonder if she was safe. I was worried about her, I didn't trust Mason and his group of friends. My concern grew deeper and deeper every hour I never received a call from Liberty. This was just like her, only thinking of herself and having fun; she never took life serious! It was always me talking sense back into her and keeping her on track but now this? Elizabeth was my best friend since we were 5 years old. We grew up on the same street, shared the same barbie dolls, and we were in the same classes every single year. We were opposites but always inseparable. She stuck up for me whenever the other kids tried to make fun of me and call me "Salami Salma" she loved me for me and wasn't afraid to show it. I never gave up on Elizabeth because she never gave up on me, but it was hard to accept some of the erratic choices she was always making! She loved being spontaneous; she picked up the nick name Liberty after years of being calling Lib, which is short for Elizabeth. After one too many rebellious moments in middle school she was renamed Liberty, and she loved every single moment of her new name. She introduced herself as Liberty ever since. I always thought Elizabeth was a beautiful name, but the name Liberty matched her personality down to her wardrobe. We were best friends but we couldn't be more different in personality. I loved living safe and living organized. Some think I'm boring but there is nothing wrong with being safe, I just rather live with more structure. I knew everything I wanted for my life after high school, my five year plan was set and ready for execution. While Liberty on the other hand was going to parties at random hours of the day and getting high. She had no respect for her future. All she did was worry about the present moment and let tomorrow figure itself out. I supported every random decision Liberty made even making that crazy guy Mason her boyfriend. I knew him coming into the picture was going to get messy, and now she's God knows where with some man that everyone thinks is a killer and shes happy about it. There was butterflies at the bottom of my stomach every time I tried to call her and then a punch to the heart every time she didn't pick up. There was only one way to solve this possible disaster I let her make. I had to go after her. I marched in my neatly kept bedroom and I grabbed a small duffel bag and started packing. I didn't know how I was going to find her, but I knew it wouldn't be hard. Lib always left an impression no matter where she went so if anyone saw her, I knew they would never forget her. I put some casual clothes on and hopped in my 1996 blue ford focus car ready to find my impulsive best friend. She was making a huge mistake and I am the only one that can save her. Don't worry Elizabeth I'm coming for you!
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